Citizen Abroad

Expatriate tax returns can take six times longer to prepare than domestic tax returns

The IRS estimates it takes the average ‘domestic’ taxpayer anywhere from five to 10 hours to plan, prepare and file a simple U.S. income tax return. (When we say “simple”, we mean no business, no investments and limited deduction.)

For U.S. citizens living or working in Canada or overseas, the time it takes to file a tax return skyrockets. Factoring in the calculations required for foreign earned income exclusions, foreign tax credits, foreign bank account reporting and foreign mutual fund disclosures, it can take U.S. expats well over 30 hours to complete their tax returns!

At Citizen Abroad Tax Advisors, we understand that being an expatriate requires additional calculations and disclosures on tax forms that can be overlooked by even the most experienced, well-intentioned domestic tax accountants. That’s why we specialize solely in expatriate tax matters, knowing exactly what forms are required, when they’re required and how to prepare them. With more than 16 years of experience providing tax compliance services to U.S. and Canadian expatriates, you can trust our team to help you meet your tax filing obligations—without the time and stress that comes with doing it on your own.